Week Eight

What did you do this past week? This week we read a paper on the Interface Segregation Principle which states that objects should not inherit interfaces that they do not use. In class we discussed our third project which involves simulating a heap and discussed Allocating objects on the heap. Outside of oop we finished our inverted pendulum project in Cyberphysical Systems, I had my second chem exam, and I graded Assignment 5 for CS312.

What’s in your way? I have not started on Project 3 or looked at any of the materials for the next week of class. Also since this week is spring break I need to make sure to go over what we have discussed in class before the next quiz and I probably will not remember a lot of it. Also I always find it difficult to find time or motivation to work over breaks but I need to get stuff done this next week.

What will you do next week? Since this week is Spring Break there isn’t a lot I have to do but doing some stuff will make the coming weeks easier. Project three is due the week after Spring Break so I need to get started on it this week and I also should go ahead and read the paper on The Dependence Inversion Principle.

What’s my experience of the class? I did well on the first quiz this week but I missed a question on the second since I didn’t think about the fact that the new keyword allocates objects on the heap. Project Three sounds interesting and Downing did a good job explaining it.

What’s my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? Have some free time during Spring Break but don’t feel like doing homework? Well Spring Break is the perfect time to work on a personal project. Take some time a learn a new technology or work on something that you have been wanting to work on. I’m going to spend some time trying out some of the features introduced in newer versions of Unity

Written on March 12, 2017