Week Eleven

What did you do this past week? This week we read a paper on Why Extends is Evil and two on Why Getters and Setters are Evil. These papers stressed adherence to object oriented design methodology and explained how classes extending each other and overuse of getter and setter methods can negate proper design. This helped explain why were were not supposed to use getter and setter methods in the 4th programming project which we finished this week. In class we discussed r value constructors, function overloading, and applied these to our vector example from last week.

What’s in your way? I did well on the quizzes this week so I feel like I am getting the material. The last few weeks are really busy for me so I need to get a head start on the final project and studying for exam two projects. The fourth project took longer than it needed to because we ended up with a lot of bugs in the program because we didn’t write tests until after we wrote the code. Next time I will make sure to write tests as I go along.

What will you do next week? This week we will read papers on What Should We Teach and The Joel Test. We will also go over the fifth project and will begin working on it. I need to find a partner to do it with.

What’s my experience of the class? The fourth project was interesting but the last of tests cases that covered much of the functionality made it difficult. Fortunately we were eventually able to use tests from the public repo and ones the TAs gave us to debug our code.

What’s my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? I found this article on preparing for a system design interview interesting. I have thought a lot about coding for technical interviewers but not about larger scale design. You can read it here.

Written on April 9, 2017