Week Five

What did you do this past week? This week I completed the 2nd Object Oriented Programming project, The project involved implementing a program to run an Australian Ranked Preferential voting system. Like the previous project it was written in c++ and travisCI and github were used during development. For class we read a paper on the Single Responsibility principle and discussed iterators, lambdas, and constant variables and pointers. Outside of oop I had my first exam in Government and completed our first project using the self driving car in Cyberphysical Systems. I also went to the career fair, career night, and began applying to more companies online.

What’s in your way? I did better on the in class exams this week but I need to keep going over things to continue to do well. The first exam is on March 2nd so I need to start going over everything we have discussed since there are definitely some things I didn’t really understand the first time or have forgotten about since then. Overall I don’t have any exams next week so I don’t think it will be the most difficult week but I do need to grade the first 312 exam and third 312 project which will take some time. I should also try to get ahead on my classes since the week after will be much more challenging.

What will you do next week? This next week for oop I will read a paper on The Open-Closed Principle, chapters 9 and 10, and begin to go over topics for the first exam.

What’s my experience of the class? Overall it’s going well. The lecture topics are getting to more things I haven’t which I like but it also means I need to spend more time going over stuff outside of class.

What’s my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? Start studying for exams early. There are three important reasons for this. First you remember things better if you go over them over a period of time and not just the night before the exam. Second you never know what else is going to come up right before the exam. Finally starting early lets you get a better idea of how much times you needs to spend studying and allows you to better plan your time.

Written on February 19, 2017