Week Four

What did you do this past week? This week we discussed the second project for oop which involves creating a program to determine the winner in a ranked preferential voting system. We read a paper on Pair Programming practices and discussed topics relating to pointers, templates, and arrays in c++. Outside of oop I had my first exam of the semester in Chem and made progress getting our car to move at a specified speed in Cyberphysical Systems.

What’s in your way? I have been struggling on the last few daily quizzes in oop so I need to spend more time reviewing material before class. I got my grade back from project 1 and apparently I didn’t import my issues to the second repo correctly so I lost all the points for creating issues. I need to figure out how to solve this before project two. I also didn’t managed to make as much progress as I would like on project 2 which is due this week which is unfortunate because this coming week looks like it will be the busiest yet with an exam in gov, two career fairs, and projects due in oop and Cyberphysical Systems.

What will you do next week? This next week for oop I will read a paper on The Single Responsibility Principle, chapters 7 and 8, and finish the Voting project

What’s my experience of the class? Is I said above I have struggled on the last few quizzes and the material is becoming harder to follow. Overall I’m still enjoying the class though

What’s my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? Go to the career fair. Even if you don’t think you will get anything it’s still a great opportunity to see what companies are looking for and practice talking to companies.

Written on February 12, 2017