Week Nine

What did you do this past week? This week we read a paper on the The Dependency Inversion principle and discussed larger class structures and the friend permission in C++. I completed the Allocator project which involved simulating a heap and performing allocations and deallocations on it.

What’s in your way? I didn’t do as well on the quizzes as I would have liked this week. I need to spend more time going over the material from previous classes and make sure I carefully go through all the code instead of assuming it does what I think it does.

What will you do next week? Next week for oop I will read papers on Granularity and Stability. We will go over the fourth project and I will begin looking it it as it is due the following week. This Monday night someone from Atlassian is giving a talk about a project that they are excited to work on and technical and social environments that they have found themselves in. Outside of oop I have an exam in government and I need to grade a lab for CS312.

What’s my experience of the class? I found the documentation on how to do the Allocator project a little lacking. There was little describing some of what we actually had to do. For example my notes weren’t clear on if deallocation was done in the order things were in the heap or the order they were put in. I read through the description of the project and it didn’t say and none of the examples covered a case where they produced different results. Consequently I ended up doing it the wrong way to pass the hackerrank tests and had to go back to the original version for the second hackerrank. I struggled on some of the quizzes this week but the lectures made sense so I just need to spend more time studying to do well on those.

What’s my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? Every year stack overflow does a developer survey. They just published this years one and it’s really interesting to get to see what the developer community is like. You can check it out here.

Written on March 26, 2017