Week Thirteen

What did you do this past week? This week we read two articles. The first was called A Woman’s Place and discussed the career of Sheryl Sandberg and her efforts to encourage more woman to get into the tech industry. The second was called I Need More Terrible Female Engineers and said we need to encourage more woman to are not exceptionally skilled to enter the tech industry so other woman can see that it isn’t just exceptional woman who can be successful. We finished the Life project that my partner and I began last week and discussed Method Overriding, Virtual methods, and Dynamic Casting in class. I registered for classes this week. Currently I’m registered to take Artificial Intelligence, Intro to Wireless Networks, British Literature, Foundations of Accounting, and Foundations of Business Law and Ethics next semester and I’m on the waitlist for computer networks to replace Wireless Networks. Additionally I filled out the proctor application for next semester. I’d love to proctor a class again since I really enjoyed it this semester but unfortunately the professor I’m currently proctoring CS312 for isn’t teaching again next semester.

What’s in your way? I struggled with the first two quizzes this week so I studied more for the third and aced it. I need to make sure to set aside time to study for each quiz. I don’t have a lot going on this week but I really need to make sure and set aside time to study for my three exams next week and work on my final project for Cyberphysical Systems that is due that week as well.

What will you do next week? This week we will read articles call Guerilla Interviewing and Resume Read. We are only a week and a half away from the second exam so I need to get serious about reviewing the material for it.

What’s my experience of the class? I enjoyed working on all of the projects. Following the workflow and getting to work with TravisCI, Github, Doxygen, Clang, Google Tests, and having to follow the workfow was very different that anything I had done in any other class and was probably great practice for industry. I also feel like I have gained a really good understanding of C++ which I’m sure will prove very useful.

What’s my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? I thought these rules NASA uses when working on safety critical code were interesting.

Written on April 23, 2017