Week Two It begins

What did you do this past week? This week in Object Oriented Programming we read papers on how to be successful as a CS student in college and on the software bug that caused the explosion of the European Space Agency’s Arian 5 rocket. We discussed more concepts relating to C++ programming and I began working on the first project. The first project began with setting up travisCI, a tool which I had never used before, in a git repository and then involved solving a programming problem while maintaining proper use of git and travis. Outside of OOP I taught my first discussion sections for CS312, graded quizzes, started grading programming assignments, and worked on getting the final version of our battlecode player ready.

What’s in your way? Time management will be an issue of the coming weeks. After the first two relatively easy weeks this is when things start getting more challenging. I have to find time to finish the oop project, finish all my grading for 312, read the next chapters and articles for oop, and do homework for all my other classes. I tried to get a lot done this weekend but I am still left with a busy week and I need to stay on top of everything to not fall further behind.

What will you do next week? For OOP I need to read chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook, read two papers over agile development and continuous integration, and turn in my first programming assignment.

What’s my experience of the class? It’s going well. I find what we are covering really interesting and I am enjoying the first programming assignment. I did better on all the quizzes this week and so far I managing to stay on top of everything.

What’s my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? When you get an assignment read the directions several times and then read it once more before you turn it in. I spent some of the day grading CS312 programming assignments and the majority of mistakes could have been prevented it they had just payed closer attention of the directions. I know this is something I have had issues with in the past so it’s always something I try and keep in mind.

Written on January 29, 2017